import React, {createContext, useEffect, useState} from "react";
import {TriggerData} from "./types/TriggerData";
import {getAllGestures} from "./modelApi/gesture";
import NotificationManager from "@/Elements/NotificationManager";
import {ipcRenderer} from "electron";
import ApplicationView from "@/ApplicationView";
* Represents a data context type for actions.
* @typedef {Object} ActionsDataContextType
* @property {TriggerData[] | undefined} actionData - The action data.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<TriggerData[] | undefined>> | undefined} setActionData - A function to set the action data.
* @property {any[] | undefined} gestureData - The gesture data.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<any[] | undefined>> | undefined} setGestureData - A function to set the gesture data.
* @property {any} forceRender - Used to trigger a re-render of the component.
type ActionsDataContextType = {
actionData: TriggerData[] | undefined;
setActionData: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<TriggerData[] | undefined>> | undefined;
gestureData: any[] | undefined;
setGestureData: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<any[] | undefined>> | undefined;
forceRender: any,
* Represents the type definition for the RecordingContextType.
* @typedef {Object} RecordingContextType
* @property {boolean | undefined} recording - Indicates whether recording is enabled or not.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean | undefined>>} setRecording - Function that can be used to update the recording state.
type RecordingContextType = {
recording: boolean | undefined;
setRecording: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean | undefined>>;
* Type definition for RecordTimeContextType.
* @typedef {Object} RecordTimeContextType
* @property {number} recordedTime - The recorded time value.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>} setRecordedTime - Function to set the recorded time value.
type RecordTimeContextType = {
recordedTime: number;
setRecordedTime: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>;
* @typedef {Object} MinimalViewContextType
* @property {boolean} minimalView - Indicates if the minimal view is enabled.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>} setMinimalView - Function to set the minimal view.
type MinimalViewContextType = {
minimalView: boolean;
setMinimalView: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
* Represents the context type for managing the face mesh state.
* @typedef {Object} FaceMeshContextType
* @property {boolean} mesh - The current face mesh state.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>} setMesh - Function to update the face mesh state.
type FaceMeshContextType = {
mesh: boolean;
setMesh: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
* Represents the context type for face detection feature.
* @typedef {Object} FaceDetectionContextType
* @property {boolean} faceDetection - Indicates whether face detection is enabled or not.
* @property {React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>} setFaceDetection - A function to update the state of face detection.
type FaceDetectionContextType = {
faceDetection: boolean;
setFaceDetection: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
* @typedef {Object} NotificationManagerContextType
* @property {any} notificationManager - The type of the NotificationManager object.
type NotificationManagerContextType = { notificationManager: any }
* @typedef {Object} ActionsDataContextType
* @property {*} actionData - The action data.
* @property { function } setActionData - A function to set the action data.
* @property {*} gestureData - The gesture data.
* @property { function } setGestureData - A function to set the gesture data.
* @property { function } forceRender - A function to force render.
export const ActionsDataContext = createContext<ActionsDataContextType>({
actionData: undefined,
setActionData: undefined,
gestureData: undefined,
setGestureData: undefined,
forceRender: undefined
* Represents the recording context.
* @typedef {Object} RecordingContextType
* @property {Recording} recording - The current recording.
* @property {Function} setRecording - Function to set the recording.
export const RecordingContext = createContext<RecordingContextType>({
recording: undefined,
setRecording: () => {
* Context variable for recording time.
* @typedef {Object} RecordTimeContextType
* @property {number} recordedTime - The recorded time value.
* @property {function} setRecordedTime - A function to set the recorded time value.
export const RecordedTimeContext = createContext<RecordTimeContextType>({
recordedTime: 0,
setRecordedTime: () => {
* Creates a context for managing the minimal view state.
* @typedef {object} MinimalViewContextType
* @property {boolean} minimalView - The current state of the minimal view.
* @property {Function} setMinimalView - A function to update the minimal view state.
export const MinimalViewContext = createContext<MinimalViewContextType>({
minimalView: false,
setMinimalView: () => {
* Represents the context for manipulating a face mesh.
* @typedef {Object} MeshContext
* @property {FaceMeshContextType} value - The value of the context.
* @property {boolean} value.mesh - Specifies whether the mesh is active or not.
* @property {function} value.setMesh - A function to update the mesh value.
* @example
* // Create a new context with mesh set to false
* const meshContext = createContext<FaceMeshContextType>({
* mesh: false,
* setMesh: () => {}
* });
* @example
* // Access the mesh context value and update the mesh value
* const { mesh, setMesh } = useContext(meshContext);
* setMesh(true); // Set the mesh to true
* setMesh(false); // Set the mesh to false
export const MeshContext = createContext<FaceMeshContextType>({
mesh: false,
setMesh: () => {
* Represents the context for face detection.
* @typedef {Object} FaceDetectionContext
* @property {boolean} faceDetection - determines if face detection is enabled or disabled.
* @property {Function} setFaceDetection - function to set the value of faceDetection.
export const FaceDetectionContext = createContext<FaceDetectionContextType>({
faceDetection: false,
setFaceDetection: () => {
* Represents the context for the NotificationManager.
* @typedef {Object} NotificationManagerContextType
* @property {NotificationManager} notificationManager - An instance of the notification manager.
export const NotificationManagerContext = createContext<NotificationManagerContextType>({notificationManager: NotificationManager});
* App component
* Initializes and manages the state of various components and data in the application.
* @returns {JSX.Element} The rendered component
export default function App() {
const [actionData, setActionData] = useState<TriggerData[] | undefined>()
const [gestureData, setGestureData] = useState<any[] | undefined>([])
const [render, setRender] = useState<object>({})
const [recording, setRecording] = useState<boolean>()
const [recordedTime, setRecordedTime] = useState<number>(0);
const notificationManager = NotificationManager()
const [minimalView, setMinimalView] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [mesh, setMesh] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [faceDetection, setFaceDetection] = useState<boolean>(false)
useEffect(() => {
const fetchGestureData = async () => {
let data: any = await getAllGestures();
data = JSON.stringify(data);
data = JSON.parse(data);
}, [render])
const forceRender = () => setRender({});
useEffect(() => {
ipcRenderer.send('toggle-elements', minimalView)
}, [minimalView]);
return (
{!minimalView && notificationManager.notificationElement}
<RecordedTimeContext.Provider value={{recordedTime, setRecordedTime}}>
<MeshContext.Provider value={{mesh, setMesh}}>
<FaceDetectionContext.Provider value={{faceDetection, setFaceDetection}}>
<MinimalViewContext.Provider value={{minimalView, setMinimalView}}>
value={{notificationManager: () => notificationManager}}>
value={{actionData, setActionData, gestureData, setGestureData, forceRender}}>
<RecordingContext.Provider value={{recording, setRecording}}>